
What you eat matters

Nutrition is a crucial part of your health. It's important to get the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that will help you work properly in both physical and mental capacities The best way for people who want good nutrition? A balanced diet with healthy foods they like!


Dana Nelson

Lyon France

I am an American psychotherapist living and working in Lyon, France. I work with English-speaking expats, intercultural couples, international students, and others living abroad, both in-person in Lyon as well as remotely (online).

My approach to therapy is integrative, which means that I draw from a number of different theories and techniques and tailor my approach to your specific needs and goals. In addition to more traditional western approaches, I find that many of my clients benefit from the integration of mindfulness and self-compassion practices into our work. For more information about my approach to counseling and psychotherapy, please visit my website.

Perfect guide

Nam scelerisque quis purus eget lobortis. Ut lorem ligula, tempus vel nisi. Phasellus ac augue.)

Friday, 25 June

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