Mariah Laine Moyle


Energy Medicine Practitioner & Yoga Teacher

Mariah Laine Moyle is a shamanic energy medicine practitioner, yoga teacher and author living in the Bahamas. She is passionate about her path as a healer and is dedicated to bringing these ancient shamanic and yogic teachings to the western world through writing and practitioner work.

In early 2018, Mariah completed a 200hr Vinyasa and a 50hr Yin training and has taught yoga and guided meditation at yoga studios and private clubs throughout the Bahamas. In November 2019 she traveled to the mountains of Chile to complete an intensive month-long energy medicine training with medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo, who has studied with indigenous shamanic cultures of the Andes and the Amazon for over 25 years. This training stems from the lineage of the Q’ero Incan people of Peru. She was initiated into this shamanic lineage and received the rites of a Mesa Carrier.

The energy healing process works to combust potentially toxic imprints stored in the energetic field. Imprints may be in the form of long-held emotions, trauma, or disease. This process brings about healing at the energetic level which releases negative emotions and behaviors and can implement physical healing.


My energy healing session with Mariah was really powerful. During the session I could feel energy moving in my body (including resistance) as well as emotions and memories coming up. For a few days after the session I felt like the energy was still moving around - some of it uncomfortable - but when it settled 3 days later I felt a huge weight had been lifted. I’m still amazed at how effective it was and Mariah is an absolute natural at it - so patient and kind. I would highly recommend.)

Tuesday, 28 September


Energy sessions with Mariah have truly been some of the most meaningful experiences I have ever had. Her ability to find the internal energies that are blocked and release them has been such a positive and transformative process. Without Mariah, I would not be able to understand the root causes of what holds me back and continue to strengthen my personal growth on such an enlightening path. I cannot recommend her enough! Mariah is so genuine in her practice and dedicated to helping anyone - free of judgment. You'll instantly feel welcome and accepted for who you are when you are with her and a better person after working with her.)

Tuesday, 28 September

Life changing

My first session with Mariah was life-changing, can’t put into words what exactly changed but I feel lighter and happier. I would definitely recommend Mariah.)

Tuesday, 28 September

Upcoming Sessions