Alexis Gross


After struggling on her own journey with depression, anxiety, disordered eating and feelings of discontentment and disconnection, she believes that living a truly purposeful and aligned life requires looking at all aspects of our being.  Her work stems from the understanding that we all have an inner world that needs tending to, and each time we find the courage to explore what lives within, we give ourselves the opportunity come more honestly and more authentically into ourselves and into the world.  When we honor our deepest, most human needs, we transform not only ourselves but our collective consciousness.

She sees our connection with ourselves and our beliefs as the starting point for creating the lasting shifts we want in our lives, and therefore incorporates a variety of modalities such as: connection to the body as a means to more deeply listen to ourselves; breath & meditative practices to help access Self; inner child work to help heal old wounds keeping us stuck; spiritual teachings; and pre & post work for psychedelic experiences.

Gaining Perspective

When I first started working with Alexis I felt overwhelmed by my overly-committed life - I genuinely couldn't see the woods through the trees. Working with Alexis has allowed me to gain perspective and prioritize my commitments. Her patient and non-judgemental support helped me feel safe confiding how drained and stressed I had been feeling. She empowered me to get back into the driver’s seat of my life: I made fundamental changes to my diet and lifestyle, tapped into a resource of wonderful women that offered solidarity and inspiration - and overall, I just feel calmer and more centered. I now feel a greater sense of self-acceptance, which is interesting as my drive and motivation is still extremely high, and no trade off was needed. Perhaps most importantly, though, is that although there are still challenges, I'm having more fun with my life — which I credit to the fundamental shift in my attitude. This has made all the difference.)

Thursday, 18 November

Helped me find my voice

Working with Alexis was the best decision that I made. I found Alexis at a very low point in my life when everything was changing and I felt lost and misaligned. I was struggling emotionally, mentally, relationally and in my career. 
Alexis’ strength, authenticity and big heart drew me to work with her. She always made space for me to feel, understand, and work through my emotions. She helped me to find my voice and strength to pursue the things that I wanted and develop the confidence to create the life and relationships that I wanted. She has helped me to find the balance between prioritising myself and my needs and not being so consumed with trying to please others and live for others instead of myself. Alexis always reminded me of my power to choose and write my own story. Working with Alexis has helped me to overcome personal hurdles, negative self-talk, and crippling self-doubt. I am now more self-aware, confident, and secure in being my most authentic self. I’m living a life that actually serves me, thriving in my career and relationships, and most importantly, I am more in love with myself and my life now than I ever was before. I am forever grateful for Alexis.)

Thursday, 18 November


Working with Alexis has been one of my most meaningful and life-changing decisions. If you are really ready to be open and honest with yourself, Alexis will guide you in the most supportive, all-accepting, and genuinely non-judgemental way. Each session provides a safe, nurturing space for you to dig deep and get in touch with your most authentic self. I am beyond thankful for everything she has helped me accomplish so far, and I look forward to continuing to work and grow with her. I cannot recommend working with Alexis enough!!!! ❤”)

Thursday, 18 November

Life coaching

When I get on the phone with Alexis, before we even get to talking, I can feel her smile and her heart through the line. Seriously. Get on the phone with her and connect heart to heart in a way that you may not have ever experienced before. She'll teach you self-love and connect it to everything in such an inspiring way. You will re-discover parts about yourself you never realized you buried. You dig deeper feeling safe and come out a better person at the end of the call. She holds you just right and pushes you ever so gently to expand. She'll "get on the floor and get dirty" if you want to work out the nitty gritty of something but is also great at going deeper in your heart, mind and emotions of the topic. Most coaches do one or the other... Alexis does both, harmoniously and filled with love.)

Thursday, 18 November

An Inspiration

I’m more excited about my life and my future than I’ve been in a long time, and working with Alexis has been THE major factor in this shift. Her coaching is super effective – I can’t believe how much has changed for me in just a few months! When we first started working together I was feeling pretty hopeless – I’d read plenty of self-help books, had years of therapy and the fact that I considered myself so self- aware actually contributed to my pessimistic outlook about ever feeling happier. Since working with Alexis, I experience moments of joy every single day, which I truly didn’t think was possible for me. I’ve introduced healthy habits into my life that I could never commit to before, and am finally on a career path that I’m really inspired by. Alexis goes above and beyond in her role as coach, and I am so grateful she came into my life. I’ve been so encouraged by my work with Alexis that I’ve decided to pay it forward by becoming a coach as well – I just hope I can help and inspire women as much as she has!)

Thursday, 18 November


Before working with Alexis, I didn’t even really know what a Life Coach was. I considered myself a type A person that could always keep it together and didn’t need to ask for help, even when I was struggling. I managed on like this for a long time until my inner world started to fall apart. All of a sudden, I felt like I was drowning in life - I felt lost. I knew I needed someone to talk to, but didn’t feel I needed a psychologist or psychiatrist. I had no idea what to expect or even exactly what I wanted out of coaching when I reached out to Alexis, but she was so warm and non-judgmental that I figured I would give it a try. Alexis truly empowered me to figure out what I need. She’s an old soul and is so intuitive. She always knew the exact right question to ask. She never offered me answers or solutions - what she did was teach me how to go inside of myself to get my own answers. To be an amazing life coach, you have to be truly interested in helping people. I believe Alexis has been put on this earth for that reason. This is her calling and her purpose.)

Thursday, 18 November

Upcoming Sessions